What Is Mithril, the Rare Dwarven Metal on RINGS OF POWER?

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In this analogy, both Celebrimbor and Eve may be meant to represent Eve who takes the story at face value and shares it with the rest of the Noldor, unintentionally bringing about their fall. While the series chose to emphasize Galadriel’s deception in this season, it is my hope that season two will focus more directly on Celebrimbor’s deception as I believe Tolkien intended. Throughout The Silmarillion, wind and lightning often represent an act of intervention coming from the Vala Manwë. Later in this series, while Sauron is in Númenor, we may see him defy this lightning once more as he does in The Silmarillion. Ultimately, at the height of the storm, Galadriel calls to Halbrand, urging him to bind himself to her — and the beam to which she is tied is immediately struck by lightning and she is cast into the Sea.

  1. After the two trees were destroyed, Morgoth stole the gems and set them in his crown.
  2. He’s is largely infamous for his inability to destroy One Ring in Mount Doom when he had the chance.
  3. To continue the Eden allegory, perhaps these Rings can also be seen as “forbidden fruit”.
  4. It saves Frodo’s life as the fellowship passes through the very mines of Moria from whence the mithril came many generations before.
  5. Frodo and Bilbo were lucky to be hobbits to come into the possession of a highly valued coat made of mithril.

Another crypto that is making strong waves into space is the Mithril crypto. The MITH crypto has been raking up strong numbers as it has over the past 30 days or so, amassed gains of over 220%. A treasured item in the kingdom of men known as the Star of Elendil or ”Elendilmir” was a gemstone that was mounted on a chain of mithril.

Here, he would have appeared in a different form to propose collaboration with the Noldor, but was rejected. Sauron, who covets Mithril, has devised an apocryphal tale to encourage Celebrimbor (the grandson of Fëanor) to pursue Mithril by connecting it to a Silmaril. The oath of Fëanor is reawakened in his heart, and he begins to see this new ore as the answer to his problems. Sauron could have attempted to manipulate the dwarves directly, but Tolkien writes that he preferred to corrupt the Eldar (the Elves). Galadriel will accept her Ring, Nenya, knowing full well that its creation and power are tied to Sauron.

Anyway, Tolkien didn’t say that there were no mithril weapons, so of course he also didn’t say why there were no mithril weapons. Gandalf’s description offers a few possible reasons for why we don’t see any mithril weapons. The name mithril comes from two Elvish roots, mith (probably ’mist’ in this context) and ril (’glitter’). Mith has the secondary meaning of ’grey’, but since we know that mithril not only had a silvery sheen, but was also fabulously light, it is surely the meaning ’mist’ that is intended. The Rings of Power episode 4 then saw Durin IV tell Elrond that mithril represented a brighter future, but the extraction process involved great danger. King Durin III was also terrified the Elves would learn of Moria’s new mineral and covet mithril for themselves, which means Elrond gets forced to sign Middle-earth’s equivalent of an NDA.

King Durin III is cautious and shuts down the whole Mithril operation in The Rings of Power. But we know Prince Durin IV’s objections will eventually prevail, and the wealth of Khazad-Dûm will flourish with this discovery. After all, by the Third Age, a shirt made of mithril is worth more than the Shire and everything in it. If you’re familiar with Middle-earth history, you’ll know that the mining proceeds anyway, lasting all the way into the Third Age.

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Sources for Further Reading

Mithril will supposedly save them because of the myth behind its creation. According to a legend known as “The Song of the Roots of Hithaeglir,” mithril is the resulting product of an epic struggle of good vs. evil. In the first age, an intense battle between an unnamed elf and a balrog took place atop one of the peaks of the Misty Mountains. The elf had discovered that a Silmaril lay hidden in a tree at the top of the mountain, and he sought to reclaim the object while the balrog wished to destroy it.

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While adrift on their small raft, a great storm suddenly threatens to halt to both Sauron and Galadriel’s plans. Upon a rewatch of the season, a careful viewer will see the strongest parallels to The Song of the Roots of the Hithaeglir on display in this scene. Visually, these scenes form a beautiful parallel; thematically, they serve as a foreboding warning against the Noldor’s partnership with Sauron.

The story introduces a legend about Mithril being created from the essence of a Silmaril, which imbued it with immense light and power. The Silmarils were the jewels that hold the light of the Two Trees of Valinor, which once illuminated Middle-earth from the realm of the Valar. This version of Mithril is sought after by the elves because the light of Eldar is fading from the world, as shown by the rotting tree, which means that the Elves would have to leave Middle-earth or fade away.

  1. King Durin III is cautious and shuts down the whole Mithril operation in The Rings of Power.
  2. Sauron, who covets Mithril, has devised an apocryphal tale to encourage Celebrimbor (the grandson of Fëanor) to pursue Mithril by connecting it to a Silmaril.
  3. When this proposal is rejected, lightning strikes from the right-hand side of the scene as a demonstration of Sauron’s wrath and power, and Galadriel is left to drown — and this time Halbrand will not save her.
  4. There is even an alloy called electrum, a combination of silver and gold in various proportions used in ancient times for coinage.
  5. Durin’s Folk have only just discovered the “grey glitter,” the dwarven name for Mithril on The Rings of Power.

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It was taken by Mordor-orcs in the Tower of Cirith Ungol from Frodo, but was later shown by the Mouth of Sauron to Gandalf, Aragorn, and other leaders outside the Morannon. Because of this event, the King decides to stop the mining operation, which disappoints Prince Durin. Knowing what we know, and the fact that Mithril eventually becomes a precious metal in the future, during the age of The Lord of the Rings, there’s little chance that Prince Durin will let it go. Sauron and Celebrimbor then decide to give the Dwarves their own set of rings in exchange for them giving the Elves more Mithril. These are the origins of the Rings of Power, and Sauron’s master-plan of controlling them with the one ring.

My most heartfelt thanks to the wonderful folks within theOneRing.net discord server for their help in working through these theories over the past year or so, especially Webcrawler and DrNosy. Thank you as well to my discord moderators for their time spent reading my rambling thoughts and feedback as well. Ultimately, the origin of the Song of the Roots of the Hithaeglir may is mithril real never be revealed. It is my hope that season two will confirm my theory that Sauron is indeed the craftsman of this tale, but as it stands we have no choice but to wait and see.

The first time, he found a mystical sword that has fused with his blood and left him with a strange, evil mark. The second time, he nearly ended up as orc food, and had to be saved by Arondir, the guy who’s trying to romance his mum. You cant compare a fictional element to one that actually exist. Like elves and fairies and goblins, all part of human myths and legends.

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